Inspirational, optimistic, Quotes

Do you see the river changed?

Oil on Canvas by L Rohner

“All things are in motion and nothing is at rest. . . . You cannot go into the same [river] twice.” quote by ancient philosopher Heraclitus from the writings of Wayne Dyer. He was referring to our bodies changing every moment of our life. While reading this statement my mind thought about the stress I am imposing on my life with thoughts of what was and how can I make my business work. How can I be more abundant? As I pondered this thought and the feeling of stress and anxiety because I am stuck in a ego mind loop hearing my ego chatter on saying it worked before why is it not working now? Seeing who you are from that perspective is not very productive and answers almost never come. Yet I do believe there is a guiding force that whispers on the wind in a place where only your soul can hear. Today this was a whisper I am grateful to have heard.

Everyone will agree the world is always changing. So why do we get stuck in stories about what was or following thought patterns never allowing you success? Honestly I do not know. I am just like you trying to understand why I am not better off than I am. Maybe it is because I keep jumping into the same river in my mind. My ego mind never perceived the difference. When we finally step out of our physical ego bodies and see what is real around us you understand the river changed. So, no, my business is not the same because what people liked yesterday may not like today. Colors designs and styles are always changing and this is good. My technique or in life my belief should only grow and become richer and deeper. How you market changing and what people use to connect to each other, as I write changed. Now before I get myself all stressed out again it is important to simply realize change and not react to it. Observe, learn, change and grow is what life asks of us.

After releasing the ego from its full-time job and sending ego on a vacation I dug a little deeper into this statement. Discovering this being radiating from within even if only for a brief moment is inspiring. My ego had me captive. It had me pinned down. Confused, angry, full of aggressive fear and feeling unworthy started to float away. A sense of contentment filled me and I thought about my concerns with my business. I know I will be given the answers I need to succeed. The world around me is forever changing but I can choose to see the river differently now. I can change my thoughts.

He ended his writing with this little passage and I hope he does not mind me using an excerpt from him. He wrote; ” Who am I? is then answered with, I am an infinite being who originated not from my parents, but from a Source that is itself birthless, deathless, and changeless.

Thank you dear sir for these powerful words.

Inspirational, Laurie Rohner, Quotes, Thoughts are energy

Pressing on to follow your dream.

follow your dream...

“The Universe is desperate for you to follow your dreams. You will be surrounded by all the support you need if you choose to see life that way. So many live their life in fear. It’s such a rare moment when one of us wakes up and decides to plunge into the abyss of the unknown that the Universe will rejoice and provide everything you need for a successful journey. There will be obstacles, so it’s your job to decide how to react to each challenge. I promise you if you keep pressing on you will be presently surprised to find out what lies just on the other side of every perceived “failure”.

– Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.

How many of us have taken a direction in our life only to give up because it is not going the way we have planned? We all have. When you looked back, maybe you are examining  a particular experience now, were you following a plan to achieve your dream, an ultimate goal, or did you let fear in and stop you on your precious journey? Inside your head it screamed your are doomed, you are worthless and the list can go on and on. But why is it the failures we seem to hold on to so tightly? Why do we not instead instantly look back to the successes? I think I may have an answer. Our minds or mental self is our ego. It is where fear and doubt and all the negative feelings dwell. Your mind thrives in the past and plays games with the future. It is easy to believe the voice of the ego after all why would you lie to yourself. I have decided the ego is like a virus that plagues your life. You can choose to allow it to decide the outcome or not.

This is a great quote and one I have read many times. I have struggled with a choice I made years ago and just as it gets to the darkest point and I feel it can never improve I give up. I asked for help from Spirit, nothing. I meditated read more books and still nothing. Watched a bunch of online self-help spiritual gurus, still no answer. Then yesterday while meditating I had a whisper a thought and it said ‘no answer is the answer’ keep going down the path you are on. I do believe there is Spirit guiding our dreams and connecting us to the Universe and ultimately, God. This morning I read this quote which I found on the Daily Love email. Coincidence, maybe, I think it is another whisper. After reading it I decided it is time to press on and overcome the obstacles. This point I am at is all to familiar so I am forging ahead into the unknown. I have sent my ego on a vacation. All that I have read watched and truly believe are now in play. I am not only writing about it. I am living it.